Baby Boomer Divas

April 18, 19 and 20th, I will be on a plane to Daytona Beach, Florida to experience a Baby Boomer retreat. This will be the second time I've traveled long distance by myself. Several meetings are planned for women over 40. The whole idea came from Beverly Mahone, a radio talk show host and blogger who unbeknownst to her has raised awareness that women over 40 are alive and well on planet earth. More can be said by looking at her link .

I thought it would be something I would enjoy and as the weeks and months have passed I have met many women who I consider my friends now. There are business women, artists, musicians, teachers, mothers, grandmothers, herbalists, aerobic instructors, celebrities, talk show hosts, ministers, bloggers and just great women from around the nation and abroad. Daily we email each other on several topics and interests and since we all share a common bond, our age, we have many things in common and many interests to discuss.

So if there are any women over 40 interested in finding out more...go to that website mentioned above. Find out for yourself what terrific women are on the list from many states and even Australia.

At the retreat we will have photographers from different medias on hand and a number of activities scheduled for Fri and all day Saturday. There will be a time of Praise and Worship on Sunday morning. I'm sure we'll do a lot of networking and it will be a time of gathering information about businesses available for women, nutrition, exercise, improving our image and topics related to the baby boomer generation.


  1. Hi Fellow Diva!

    I look so forward to meeting you and sharing and laughing and hugging and all that good stuff!

    Thanks for the post!


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