Piano Helps from "Music Tech Teacher" and Others

Piano is my instrument. I have been playing since I was a child. While attending college I would sneak into the practice rooms just to play. I would carry old lesson books in and also learn how to play by ear. The instructors gave me persmission to use the rooms when they weren't occupied. I thought they were very understanding. I never did have more than three years of lessons that started when I was around eight or nine

The following are places you can go to get help with playing the piano:


This is where you can find a free metronome when practicing pieces that require a certain beat or rhythm. Many times the most frustrating thing about playing any piece is not knowing slow or fast it should be and what the composer wanted. We will interpret how we think a song should go but in reality the composer has a different angle all together.

The following will introduce you to Diana Rogers, a piano teacher and friend.

LADY D’S Helps

Her site is full of fun for anyone really that is interested in learning piano. She also gives the "tech teacher" site that shows a keyboard. That is a very useful site too. If you don't see it, go to www.musictechteacher.com. Here you will find quizzes and really fun games to play using your newly acquired knowledge of the keyboard. Many don't think they can play but I am here to tell you that it doesn't matter how young or old, anyone can learn to play the piano.

The last site I want to introduce you to is my affiation with "Hear and Play". There you can learn just by watching videos and listening to Jermaine explain various types of music like blues and jazz. I found this site when I wanted to learn more theory and the technical side of playing music. I don't have all the answers and strive to learn more each year. Although I've been a music minister, play keyboard and piano when it's available, I also want to improve on my art and position as a leader in music. So you can go to http://www.hearandplay.com/at.cgi/445446. If you're interested in learning piano, this would be a good program to get into.

I have four students and two regular ones right now. I'd love to be able to do a lab in keyboard. That way I can teach more kids and adults how to play, using headphones and pre-recorded lessons that are available online through the Music Tech Teacher site. That is an invaluable site to add to your list of important and educational sites.


  1. Kathryn,

    What an attractive site with wonderful information for budding pianists.

    Thank you for your heart for always helping others.

    Pam Archer

  2. I took piano lessons when I was a girl. Hated practicing but loved the idea of playing. In fact, I used to day dream about being a music composer. I have long since stopped playing, but am still writing. Go figure. I'm going to save this site for future reference just in case the music visionary in me kicks back in.


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