Taking A Look At 2012

Taking a Look at 2012


Ever since our family moved from Michigan in 1963, this nation has been splintered in location, within the family unit, with men’s philosophies, politics and from God’s commands. Many that read the Bible and study it know that Scripture repeatedly admonishes Israel and believers to not turn their backs on God.

God has blessed our nation in so many ways and out of it we have produced huge quantities of men and women educators, inventors, scientists, writers, musicians and every conceivable occupation. Since the computers came around, the occupations have tripled if not more. Instead of praising God for their accomplishments, society has only turned outward, to material things, to possessing things, to selfishness, to greed, to every evil imaginable.

By being splintered and transient, our nation, as a whole, has forgotten God and have replaced Him with their own thinking, philosophies, religions, accomplishments, self-emulation and so much pride in themselves.

We are looking at the end of times as we have heard in the pulpits and even those that don’t believe because things have gotten worse not better. Our nation which was founded on God and His commands and principals of freedom and liberty has turned that liberty into a political arena, with so many different views. We had two parties and now there are the Libertarians, The Green Party, Independents and probably some I’ve never heard of.

When our pastor tells us to vote for God, he is meaning the Godliest man and one with the most integrity. Integrity is a lost art and lost because of compromise. It comes with a price. Years ago a man’s word was all you needed and a handshake to seal an agreement.  But now, even an oral agreement is broken and written ones might as well be shredded. As a business person, I’m appalled at how people don’t do what they say. Since I’ve known the Lord, He insists on keeping our word, not to lie and to commit ourselves to the work at hand and not be slothful or reckless but always honest.

I came from a background of Christian believers and teachers and hard workers that cared about this nation and knew their vote in an election would mean something and would carry weight. Now we hear that the popular vote won’t matter as much as the Electoral College where the President will ultimately be chosen. This I believe should be removed from the Constitution. I don’t believe it is fair.

I fear for our nation that if we don’t turn back to God, persecution of Christians will be next. You may think, “Oh, that will never happen!” but it has happened in other countries and the rights of those who do fear God are in jeopardy. Many in this country are in the dark about what goes on in other countries where persecution exist all the time. I myself have experienced persecution on the job because I was a Christian and had strong beliefs.

When 911 occurred, we thought at that time something like it could never happen. Now with our involvement in other countries because of our greed and need for outside oil, we have become more of a policeman and have failed to protect our blessed land. Even with all the security measures which really need upgrading at the airports and all other transportation systems, we are vulnerable. But it’s not too late for America to turn back to God and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways.

Wickedness comes in many forms. It comes as we have compromised God’s commands, principles and precepts. We have forgotten to honor our elders, to obey the laws of the land, to uphold marriage between a man and a woman, to speak out against what is wrong, to speak out against abortion or the killing of generations. Many would say “now you’re judging” Well, guess what? When Jesus Christ returns to this earth to set up His kingdom there will be no room for the ungodly, the homosexuals, murderers, thieves, liars, gluttons and perverse  and the list goes on. He will judge the earth and the people that have not received and accepted Jesus Christ are judged already for not believing. Believers will rule with Him but believers are still not ready to rule.

I was told when I became a Christian that “Oh, you’ll go back to what you did before. Nothing will change”. I did change because my faith was as a little child and I believed that the Lord Himself came into my heart and I wanted everything He could give me including His Spirit. He forgave me then and now and continues to forgive all who will forsake their sins and serve the Lord. That wasn’t being selfish. It was what is expected. Jesus died that we can have life. He said He wanted us to experience His life and life more abundant. What does that mean? It’s a life with energy, power, authority, health, joy, a heart forgiven and the power to share that life with the world.

Christians that have suffered persecution all over the world and have died for believing will stand with Christ and come back with Him. Because of sin, the active and passive rebellion against God and Jesus, this world is coming to an end. The systems of this world are looking for a leader. They’re looking for someone to help them with the economic policies, their government and their lives. The world is getting ready for the Anti-Christ. Many will be deceived.

We all don’t want our nation to be destroyed but it is at the brink as Rome was. Who we vote for does matter. Make it a priority as this year is almost over. Learn what’s on the ballots. Find out the voting records of those that are running. You can do that by going online like votesmart.org and others. Don’t use the excuse “ I don’t know who to vote for”. Get involved and stopped being schlemiel.


©Copyright, 2012, Kathryn T King


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