The Not So Law Abiding Tenants

There are many people living in this mobile home community that love living here. Then there are those who consistently want to fan our fires.

We had an incident, ongoing, that hasn't been resolved yet. One of the tenants bought a house here and moved here from outside of the area. She signed all the documents to rent the space but I guess she just overlooked a policy that says, "No pit bulls, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinchers or Chow".

We received many calls of mothers fearing for their children's lives. So, we talked with the tenant about her dog. She insisted that it wasn't a pit bull and that she had it since it was a puppy.

My husband proceeded to look online and found several names for pit bulls, one being Stratfordshire Terrier which in England is the name for a pit bull. She keeps insisting that it isn't. My husband is so tired of people not wanting to follow the rules and policies of the park.

We've tried to upgrade the playground but older teens think it's funny to damage or deface property. Our assistant, who works hard picking up trash, painting stripes on the road, one day painted the swing set. The very next day, the paint was scratched off somehow.

We had another incident where a kid was a visitor and a gang want-a-be and enticed some younger boys to draw graffitti all over the park. We finally managed to get rid of him. We had a lot of clean up in the bathrooms and on the windows and doors of our clubhouse.

Anyway, there are many tenants that think we are doing a good job and don't want us to leave but my husband is so tired of dealing with the people that complain or are just so obnoxious that he wants to leave.

I can't help but feel for some of the people here because of our economy. Jobs are very scarce and I'm sure it has made it tough for households. Most of the tenants here are married and have several children. Some have lost jobs for 6 or more months and some can't get unemployment and others are just suffering physically. The Lord puts love in my heart for people here unlike my husband and I reach out to those who come in and ask for prayer or just want to come in and relax and talk.


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