Halloween is not really a holiday
It’s more like our countries malady.
It gives credit to witches and devils.
Too much that’s sinister and evil.

Take a look at its very beginning
Are you afraid you’d be sinning?
To bring to light Satan’s one desire
but he will end up in hell’s hot fire.

God says to love only Him above all
the idols, the orange décor in the hall.
It gives Him no glory can’t you see?
Wearing masks won’t set you free.

Satan calls this day his sacred one,
telling children to play and have fun,
to dress like his demons and death
for fear of losing their very breath.

Why does America make such a fuss
over witches and skeleton’s ugliness,
to make it a bigger day than Easter?
It should bring us shame each year.

So what should Christians try to do?
The Truth has set us free. Has He you?
Celebrate Jesus. He gave us salvation.
Lift Him up, not our true enemy Satan.

Whatever you decide on this dark night,
glorify God in the earth, in men’s sight.
We are not of this world. God is King.
Can’t you hear His angels as they sing?

Halloween is not so keen in my book
for little one’s should never even look
or taste of the devil’s lies he parades.
For the light of God’s glory fades.

So as you push your kids out the door,
instead should be kneeling on the floor.
God forgive America for its every lust
for greed, for pomp as we turn to dust

Copyright, 10/28/08, Kathryn T Little


  1. We don't celebrate Halloween. My kids didn't trick or treat. I taught them the dangers of messing with the prince of darkness. I even have a problme with all the churches who recognize the event.

  2. Indeed prayer is needed on this day.

  3. I admit I have mixed feelings about this day although I do not uphold what is represents.

  4. My kids did not go trick or treating either. We always planed a family trip up to the mountains around Halloween to avoid them feeling left out. They understood the reason and felt that they were "protected by their parents" from evil. In fact they looked forward to this trip all year. We made it extra special and lots of fun.

  5. Our church calls it "Hallelujah night" and invites the kids to come to church to play games, have fun and get some candy.


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