Fourth of July

What does the 4th of July really mean to you?
Does it mean time to play and have bar-b-que?
Does it mean to run to the lake dive and swim
Or is it just time to exercise at the town gym?

One day long ago our forefathers did sign
A document England thought was a crime.
Out of grievance for England’s oppression,
Thirteen colonies agreed while in session.

They wanted independence just to be free
from England’s tyranny and just cease to be
A country burdened with so many taxes,
and inhuman laws that they imposed at us.

So war was inevitable, the colonists agreed.
Paul Revere gave the warning on his steed.
The colonists first shots were fired in Concord
then Lexington, Mass as war moved forward.

It was during this time that Congress first met.
A Declaration was drawn and the time was set.
July 4, 1776 men of Congress gave signatures.
But war continued, lives lost, but many endured.

With military help from France and with Spain
Americans held their ground, hope was regained.
The British left. The Americans were now free
To establish a God-fearing country and liberty.

So as you fire up the grill or jump in your pool
Watch the fireworks at night in colors of jewels.
Don’t forget the men and women of years ago
that in God we Trust would always be our motto.

If we are to continue as a nation, strong and just,
We must never forget our Lord in Him we trust.
If we turn and repent from our wicked, sinful ways
God will hear our prayers and heal us every day.

God Bless America!

Copyright, July 2, 2008, Kathryn Tyler Little


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