"Making Navajo Fried Bread"

This last Thanksgiving, my son Steven videotaped me making fried bread. I am really surprised to see so many people, so far, 449 on You Tube looked at the video. How cool is that. Anyway, he wanted to finish it up with making the chili for the fried bread. I did the video on one take. I guess I have been cooking since I was a child.
My husband was Navajo and we were married 27 years. He passed away almost five years ago but I still make the fried bread for my son Daniel or special occasions when I have plenty of people to enjoy it. Before him I was also married to a Navajo man Lemuel and through his mother Dorothy and sisters Linda and Ruth, I learned to make the fried bread and also floured tortillas. Enjoy. Let me know what you think. You can leave a comment.


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