Teaching Piano and Online courses

I've been teaching piano for over 20 years to children ages 6 and up to adults. One of the most frustrating things I've found is that most of them don't want to practice. They're either distracted by other more tantalizing things like sports or tv or video games or friends just want them to come out and play. The adults have a hard time finding time. My answer to this quandry is make the time and make the choice to practice or don't play at all.

"Practice makes perfect" I tell my students and it's true. Like anything in life, whether sports, cooking, playing an instrument or painting a picture or making anything it takes practice to make it right. I found that when I play for two or three hours I am more inspired to write songs or music. When there is plenty of time on my hands I find it useful to write or spend the time doing those things that need to get done. I have a box of music sitting on a table and several songs I'll try to incorporate into choir practice.

Now there is a way for students to brush up on their lessons with online courses like the one linked to the title "Teaching Piano and Online courses". It is a new experience to find lessons online for my students and myself.


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