Learn to Play Piano Online....

If you'll press my title "Learn to Play Piano Online" the Hear and Play site will come up. If you really are interested in improving or just beginning to play piano go there. I recently became an affiliate to Hear and Play because I wanted to get more music education in the areas of theory and they have courses in piano and drums. They said that if I signed up as an affiliate that I could receive income from anyone that goes to their site so I said sure. That sounded great. It was free to sign up. There is no obligation. I don't really have a whole lot of time at work I can spend on the free course they offered right now because my home computer is down but that's ok. I still can take the time at lunch. There are a lot of programs out there that allow you to sign up for free. All you have to do is offer a website so they can put their banner or advertiser.

In the near future I will be notating my music that has been written over the past 40years. As a worship leader, there is so much I want my singers to learn but don't have a lot of quality time with them. There is so much I need to learn too about recording my own music.


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