Being a Middle School Choir Director

The following link is a video I presented to the class

Since my last post, I've been working in a new position. Instead of worship leading, I'm working with Middle School age 6th and 7th grades as a choir director. My class is small, 14 students, but that leaves more for a personal approach. 

The class is pretty structured and I've put together a curriculum that has kept them busy. We started out the semester with music history and I used an online free course. Lately, though, that same link is no longer available. I used a place called music history lessons which was made on weebly. One day, as usual, I would go to the link but received an error report. I'm thinking they must be revising the link.

Anyway, we began our history from the year 0 to 450 A.D and proceeded to the current era. I found the "Odes Project" cd that recorded music to several hymns written during the 3rd and 4th century and taught them one of the songs.

We continued through the semester with Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Modern and Post Modern songs and examples from each period. I also used online videos to help with the various eras and a place where they could learn to read music called Sight Singing. I also taught them theory using lessons I had as a piano teacher. 

The poster was a project I asked the kids to add post-its with what music is to them.

Now, we are getting close to the holidays and we have a Veteran's Day program on Tuesday where I combined all of the military hymns together and we'll sing the Star Spangled Banner and This Land is Your Land. Then we'll practice songs for Thanksgiving and we'll be working on the Christmas program. 

Unfortunately, my hours were reduced as I had worked in the after school class too. I'll have to find more work or find new customers for my Avon business. The lady that is taking over also is losing hours. So, hopefully, I'll have some subbing to do.


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