It's been very difficult to find work in Payson. I'm thinking it's because of my age. I may be past retirement but I can and want to work. I'm experienced in office work, management and have done tutoring, substituting in the schools, worked in a law office for three years and a collector for various businesses for 8 years.

I had two interviews recently, one at Payson High School and the other at Head Start. The interviews went well, I thought but maybe they are looking for someone younger. I can't help but think there just isn't a job here for me. 

I'll go to the DES office if it would help but they don't have any jobs for me either. I could talk to someone even if it would help me not give up. 

I wrote a letter to the Payson Roundup editor about how hard it was finding a job and two days later I was called for interviews. Was it the letter to the editor? I wonder.

Over this past year, I've applied online to various job sites and websites. What do I have to do to get a job? I tried the schools, turned down, applied at the hospital, turned down, applied at the County, turned down and all I can do is just keep applying hoping something will come up. 


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