Six Years Ago

Over six years ago, after seeing my husband's picture in the paper when he passed, I felt the need to have a nice photo taken so my kids would use it when I pass. I haven't had a portrait picture done since the kids were little. Now they're grown and are starting their own family portraits.

Now that Terry and I are married, I would like to get a portrait done of us. We've been married now over two years. He may not think it's important but I do and I want my kids to have a picture of us and not some candid shot. Photos have been important in our family. It's like doing a story and having pictures to go with it. I have over 17 albums now and still counting. I'm a little behind in getting the photos developed.

Everyone I talk to seem more interested in keeping photos on their computers. But there's nothing like having them in front of you and seeing little details written down. I have an album that my dad received from his cousin and I don't recognize very many people in it. It goes back to the early part of the 20th century. I guess I'm more of an historian than my other sisters.

One time when I was a new mom, I made a scrapbook using art paper bound in a ring. It allowed me to glue pictures cut out from a magazine and make more of a story. I want to do that again.

My family means a great deal to me. When their dad Richard died, I had the idea to scan photos of him and make a book for them on Blurb. That's my next project. I hope I can get this ready for Christmas. If any of my sons read this, they'll know what I'm up to.

My husband takes tons of pictures in his line of work, being a field representative. He uses Picassa to download over forty pictures at a time. I'm just fortunate to be able to get my photos developed. Like I said before, I'm behind by about five years. I have to get caught up.
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