Terry's Trip

On Saturday morning, I got a call from my fiance Terry. He said he had just passed several deer around 7:30 am. Around 10 am, he called again but this time he had bad news.

While driving, a buzzard crossed his path and went forward, turned around and headed for his windshield. He ducked, thinking he'd get hit with glass which caused him to veer and fishtail the 16 foot trailer he was pulling. He smashed into the guardrail and then skidded for another two hundred feet. He landed at the other end of the guardrail with the passenger side all messed up and the right front tire gone.

He didn't know what to do. He was beside himself. I told him to just be still and I would call my pastor and let him know what was happening. The towing company had to make two trips to pick up his truck and his trailer. He went to a motel to rest.

After several hours, the pastor with an elder and I traveled 10 hours to where he was. We found him outside VanHorn, Texas, an hour and a half from El Paso. He gladly climbed into the vehicle and we headed for the towing lot. The truck was as he said totaled and we proceeded to remove all his personal possessions still in the vehicle.

After an hour of adjusting and repairing the lights on the trailer we managed to be on our way. We kept driving another 10 or more hours, stopping only for drinks and trips to the bathroom. We made it back around 1:30 pm right after church. Everyone was overjoyed to see us and thanking God.

Terry and I took the trailer home and the next day, Monday, we got our marriage license and Tuesday I had worship practice and Wednesday, we got married. I'll relate that with pictures at a later date.


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