My Disappointing Job

June 15, 2009

For the past two weeks I’ve been working at a loan office. I find the work excessively repetitive, extremely rigid and oppressive. When I come in the morning to open up, I count the money, transfer some to a drawer, make calls throughout the day, print out several reports, have to contact another manager who lives hours from here.

I come home, so tired I don’t feel like even eating. I am in the process of finding other work. This job I’m currently at is exhausting and I don’t have any time except lunch to get my bearings. I do get lunch but if I don’t perform like they want, then I may be out. They stress making friends with the customers and when I’m on the phone and someone comes in, I have to jump up and say their little saying, excusing myself with the person on the phone, then returning to finish my conversation. I think that is rude.

Then there is the business. It is entirely greedy, wanting only to make money and not caring if people are taken advantage of. It is what my fiance’ describes as a legal loan shark operation. They charge horrendous percentages in interest, almost double the amount loaned.

I am having second thoughts as to this being the right kind of job for me. I really don’t like being so exhausted from doing mental calisthenics. When I arrive home, all I can do is just sit and stare into space for at least 15 or 20 minutes. As a Christian, I believe that I’m not being a good example. In the Scriptures, doesn’t it say not to use usury or interest when loaning money or goods? I really feel sorry for the customers when they are borrowing let’s say $100 and have to pay $250 or more back. That’s so ridiculous.

Anyway, I will be looking online to see if there are any more jobs available and Terry thinks he’ll be here in a few weeks. Actually, the lady that allows him to stay in her house is selling it and wants Terry out by the 5th of July. He isn’t ready yet. We will be married when he gets here and I really want us to be married again in the church with communion, candle lighting, maybe singing our song “Take Me To The Cross”.


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