My Response to the Election

I was amazed at the speed that the election process took last night. I turned to several stations to see how each covered the election. CNN had its own panel and tried to be unbiased giving both sides equal time. But as I listened to other stations, Fox News, ABC News, local news, I knew in my innermost being that the man I wanted to be president didn’t have a chance. Obama had his own station, OBAMA TV promoting ads for the last month on Dish Network. They were running 24 hours a day. He used the internet and cell phones and other high tech gadgets to propose his ideas and agendas.

The American people have made their choice. If there are any who have their doubts, it’s too late now. Many believe Obama is like no other man they’ve seen or heard before. I want to believe that he will keep his word but like all the other politicians in the past, many of his desires may be put on the back burner for now. He is anxious to get started by putting his cabinet in place soon.

As a Christian, my future is in the hands of God. I am prepared for the best of times and the worst of times. Of course, I’ve lived many years and seen many presidents make promises they couldn’t keep. That’s politics. But Christians could face persecution here and many think it couldn’t happen. It won’t as long as we open our mouths, speak the truth, share our faith, pray for this country and its leaders. Before Rome fell in a day, the Christians were persecuted and fed to the lions. Rome is an example of greed, lust, immorality, divisions, contentions, jealousies, tyranny and selfishness.

As long as we do have our freedoms of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, we need to speak up. Christians have been too silent at times. Whenever the chance arises to speak on the issues of abortion, homosexuality, stem cell research, social security, healthcare, our financial situation, the war in Iraq, then we must not hold back.

We must not be divided at all about our freedom. I cherish this so much and have a deep love for this country but my first love goes to the Lord and He will one day come back to rule and reign in Jerusalem. We must support Israel and its efforts to keep the land that God ordained belonged to them. If we, our leaders, our government fails to support Israel then we will begin to see our very existence threatened by enemies longing to see us destroyed.

So Christians, unite. Speak up and get involved in our government as much as possible. Attend your PTA’s, join community groups and perhaps run for office in your local government so your voice can be heard. Speak up at your workplace. The tide will turn and there will be change. Some of those changes we may not like and If we don’t, we need to speak up about it. That is your right as a citizen of the greatest nation in the world.
Copyright, 11/5/08, Kathryn Tyler Little


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