It is finally snowing. Two weeks ago we were in Phoenix where my son Matt and his lady Lesli were married and the temperature was around 65. Now we are finally getting a much needed snow. The roads were slippery this morning and we passed one accident, a fender bender. The schools were closed and I am working. It took almost an hour to get to work which usually takes twenty minutes. With the holidays around the corner there is still plenty of preparing to do. I love to bake cookies and decorate the house. I have to get started doing that but with drama practice for Christmas that's going to have to wait. I wrote the play for Christmas this year and it's called "The Reason for the Season" with five scenes. I hope I can add pictures later. I can't use my computer at home just yet since the service is down. I can't wait to get higher speed. I love this time of year even though the temperatures dip down to single digits.


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