
Showing posts from March, 2008

The Easter "Passion" and my son

Last week Daniel had quite a time spiritually. He had me up 'til after 2 am two nights. I was in the midst of practicing for the Easter "Passion" play, described in my last blog on my space. Well, Daniel, 29, has never attended anything that I’ve been involved in and has been fighting God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for some time now. He attended church as a baby, child and young person but through the teen years he stayed aways from church. One night last week after having too much to drink, he started in on “why was I born and I just want to kill myself” and he had told me to hide the knives. That same night he told me that after an accident where he had suffered a severe concussion in 2002, he had been told by the attending physician that his blood work showed that he had leukemia. What a thing to tell me. I couldn't believe it. Daniel had said he was drinking because he thought he was going to die and didn’t want to go like his dad. After two separate nights of thi

What Is It Going to be America?

The following is an article I wrote after hearing President Nixon’s speech regarding the Viet Nam War. This was written in 1969. I was still in college and getting ready to be married. But after hearing the speech I was inspired to write something that may or may not ever get read. Many people today don’t think that America will ever be destroyed or that Americans would be enslaved by another country, ideology, religion, or foreign army. Believers in God think we will always have freedom to worship but those freedoms are being chewed away daily. What is written here almost forty years ago remains the same today. Instead of Communism being the threat, it is Islam and its army of terrorists. It also is the liberal media, liberal politicians that will be easily swayed to hand America over. Will we be silent? Will be get involved? Please read the following and you be the judge. What is It Going to be America? Upon hearing President Nixon’s speech, I was enlightened about many facets of the

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